Monday, November 11, 2013

The Light Family

Another lovely family I had the chance to photograph back when the trees were still green and the flowers still blooming!  Had a great time with this big, crazy, fun loving bunch!

The Light's!  Dad and Mom, Andy and Barbara, and their crew of five... Donovan, Nellie, Benjamin, Jack and Timothy!

I love that you get a little picture of each of those five personalities in this photo! 

Donovan, age 8 
Nellie, age 6
Benjamin, age 4

Jack, age 2
Timothy, age 1

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Martin Family

My other brother and his adorable family... these two boys are full of energy and so joyful!  I hope that never changes!

Sweet brothers!

The Martin Family - Ryan, Pam, Carter & Avery

Carter, age 4 

Avery, age 3

Such a beautiful spot!