Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Emily Family

A little over a month ago, I had the privilege of photographing this big, fun family.  We all had to tough out the hot July sun and stinky trash cans, but we made it through and came out of the event with some beautiful images.  It's clear that there is lots of love in this extended family bunch.  I've known Leslie, one of the three grown siblings in this family, since high school, we reconnected recently, and I have had the opportunity to photograph her 15 month old son, Luke, a couple of times this year before this particular day.  He's the sweetest little man, and little did any of us know that day that he was about to set out to fight a major battle.  Just a week after our time together he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, which was surgically removed and discovered to be cancerous.  Next week, he starts chemo to work on any of those bugger cancer cells left behind.  As I share the photos of this big, supportive family behind him, I ask that all of you out there keep Luke and his family in your thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks and months as he fights this beast.  If you feel inclined or called to support in a more concrete way, you can go to the website set up for donations, and which also has a link to a page to follow for more information about his medical journey.

Go Luke!

The Emily Family

Grandparents and grandkids

The Phelps Family - Milla, Leslie, Dan, Luke and Aiden

Sweet siblings

Milla, age 12

Aiden, age 9

The Sevy Family - Hannah, Justin, Jennifer and Noah

More loving siblings

Hannah, age 11

Noah, age 8

Stan and Diane

Mike and Tyler

Stan and Diane with their three kids

Luke!  15 months old

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